Aryans Business School, Chandigarh
Posted by Chirag JainNov 3
Aryans Business School,Chandigarh is one of the premier and fastest growing group of management institutions in Punjab.Located in pollution free environment at Village Nepra (Banur) on Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, our institutes have been approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to PTU Jallandhar for the 5 management institutes as mentioned below:
1. Aryans Business School
2. Aryans School of Management
3. Aryans Institute of Management
4. Aryans Business School for Women
5. Aryans Institute of Management and Technology
Under the dynamic leadership of Mr.Anshu Kataria, alumnus of University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh our institutions are constantly scaling new heights.
You would be glad to know that IIM’s have included Aryans Business School in the list of non IIM members for Common Admission Test (CAT), 2009. We are the second business school after UBS, Punjab University, Chandigarh to get the most presitigious CAT affiliation.
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Aryans Group of Institutes (AGOI)
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