Archive for the ‘ Events ’ Category

patent awareness workshop

PATENT AWARENESS WORKSHOP will be organized by  Swami Vivekanand College of Pharmacy , Banur (Punjab) in Association With  Patent Information Centre, Punjab State Council for Science & Technology , Chandigarh on 23rd July, 2014.



The  program  aims  at  providing  comprehensive  knowledge  on  Intellectual  Property  Rights  (IPR).  It intends  to  focus  on  imparting  awareness  on  various  aspects  of  IPR including  Patentability  Search, Filing  Procedures  and  legal  aspects  of  infringement,  amongst  the  faculty . Intellectual  Property Rights  is  one  of  the  compulsory  subjects  in  the  curriculum  of  Technical  and  Vocational  Education courses  in  Punjab  and  is  being  taught  in  various  Engineering  courses,  Pharmacy ,  Education  and Polytechnic  courses  across  India.  So,  there  is  an  ever  increasing  endeavor  to  encourage  awareness regarding the various aspects of IPR.  As a part of continuing education program this workshop will  help  the  faculty  to  upgrade  themselves  and  meet  the  demand  of  the  ever  rapidly  expanding technocratic arena.  Further , the program will help the teachers to get abreast with basics pertaining to  IPR  &  inculcate  the  same  in  their  routine  teaching  so  that  students  become  aware  of  the  same.


The program is intended for Faculty members teaching in various AICTE approved institutes


Contact : Dr. Sushma Gupta (Organizing Secretary)


Phone:     +91-85560-01839


For further details please refer to attached documents.

Registration Form       Pharmacy Broucher     Pharmacy Broucher 1

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* Happy New Year 2011 *

Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead …. Happy New Year 2011

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Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology, headquartered at Chandigarh proudly announces the advent of its annual cultural fest Pratibimbh 2010 – the quintessence of Indian heritage. Chitkara has always been a fore-runner in organizing cultural and tech fests of unmatchable veracity in northern India.

Every year the fests of their premier institute draw the participation of huge number of students from across the nation. To bring soul to the fiesta of our culture ahead, Chitkara is bringing accolade to the Indian culture-our premier heritage by organizing PRATIBIMBH 2010 on 1st and 2nd November 2010.

Registration have already started.

For more information log on to


* Mrs. Rashmi Aggarwal (Faculty Advisor)  +919501105684

* Kunal Khanna (Chief Student Coordinator) +919041421049

* Tajinder Manan (Chief Student Coordinator) +919779535363

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