Archive for the ‘ General ’ Category

New Year Bonanza for all the student and users of studentcenter…… Now you can download the presentation files available on in PPT format also, free of cost. Sooner we are going to launch another service where students can put their request for a specific presentation topic they want.

So keep clicking

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Students at large contributing major share in mobile phones usage and usage of its services etc. and we agree with it as the economic data represent that too.
So there are many questions arises out of this statement:

Are Students Deviating from Proper English ?

Is SMS language destroying English Language ?

Is the switch in language difficult ?

SMS language not Standardized ?

We welcome you for more questions like this, as there is a debate going on this topic on NDTV Cell Guru.

Debate Panel includes:
Ms. Abha ( English Teacher -DPS {RK Puram, Delhi} )
Dr. Swati Kashyap (HOD – Behavioral & Medicine at Fortis )
Ms. Ishika
Mr. Rajiv Makhani (Editor – NDTV)
Students from various schools of India

They help is giving a warm debating environment on SMS Language,Texting, New Slangs, New Abbreviations etc. So have a look at the debate session and post your comments too.

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Studentcenter is back again

Hello Friends…. Welcome back to Studentcenter. Due to technical reasons our Site was down for the last few weeks. Now we are back with the same Student Spirit, Latest Informations and Presentation. So keep clicking….

Admin: Chirag Jain

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Welcome to

Hi Friends….

We, on behalf of Studentcenter welcome the student community. The site is the new avtar of the earlier known  Stuce ( Here we promise you to provide the best of the content and the information related to the student life by helping in ease of learning, presenting and decision making issues for your career as well. We promise to keep you  updated with the latest happenings in the student world, updated about results declarations and admissions at various colleges, schools around every corner of India.

We promise you to support in every aspect of student life and hope to receive your support as well.

So Keep Clicking….

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