CAT should follow MAT – Dr. Anshu Kataria
Posted by Chirag JainNov 30
CAT (Common Admission Test) should follow MAT (Mgt. Aptitude Test)
Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Business School, a Chandigarh Based, NON-IIM member of the CAT group has demanded that on the pattern of MAT, CAT should also be conducted in both the formats ‘paper-pencil’ as well as ‘online’.
It is to be mentioned that on the First day of the exam itself CAT become big flop show. Due to ‘overload’, a lot of centers have had to cancel the CAT exam. Even on the 2nd day of the test around 50 centers were closed for repair.Though the failure was on the part of delivery of the exam from the main server but still Dr. Kataria feels that many students, especially from rural areas, fail to cope up with the online format. He also added that the penetration of the computers in semi-urban and rural area is yet not satisfactory. Students should have option to choose any format as per their convenience.
Kataria also said that students should not panic after server crash because IIM’s and prometric had done good arrangements for the first ever online CAT. But technical snag may arise anywhere and anytime.
It is to be mentioned that MAT conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) is in the both paper-pencil format as well as online format
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