Patent Awareness Workshop on 23rd July, 2014
Posted by Chirag JainJul 18
PATENT AWARENESS WORKSHOP will be organized by Swami Vivekanand College of Pharmacy , Banur (Punjab) in Association With Patent Information Centre, Punjab State Council for Science & Technology , Chandigarh on 23rd July, 2014.
The program aims at providing comprehensive knowledge on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). It intends to focus on imparting awareness on various aspects of IPR including Patentability Search, Filing Procedures and legal aspects of infringement, amongst the faculty . Intellectual Property Rights is one of the compulsory subjects in the curriculum of Technical and Vocational Education courses in Punjab and is being taught in various Engineering courses, Pharmacy , Education and Polytechnic courses across India. So, there is an ever increasing endeavor to encourage awareness regarding the various aspects of IPR. As a part of continuing education program this workshop will help the faculty to upgrade themselves and meet the demand of the ever rapidly expanding technocratic arena. Further , the program will help the teachers to get abreast with basics pertaining to IPR & inculcate the same in their routine teaching so that students become aware of the same.
The program is intended for Faculty members teaching in various AICTE approved institutes
Contact : Dr. Sushma Gupta (Organizing Secretary)
Phone: +91-85560-01839
For further details please refer to attached documents.
Registration Form Pharmacy Broucher Pharmacy Broucher 1
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