The Showdown of Students

The vice chancellor of the Delhi University has been facing opposition long since he took his post. But his recent, FYUP, has stirred mix reactions amongst the students and has aroused vast multitude of debates. While some students continue to protest outside the minister’s houses, the others have begun to rejoice in new perception.

So, after all the labor of Delhi University’s decision makers, is it justified?

Organizations like AISA stand firm at their claim that the new- four- year program is nothing but plagiarism. Shunning it as an imperial concept, the association feels that mandatory foundation courses including mathematics would be a disadvantage upon the differently abled and SC/ST students.

However the vice chancellor, Prof. Dinesh Singh clarifies his decision on a different level. In his interview with a national daily, he states that the new program would increase the career level and job opportunities for his students. “No American degree is close to what we offer” says he. “Multiple exit programs have only made us flexible.”

With admissions, so close at hand, the question still hangs in the court. After so much dissatisfaction in the air, it would not be a surprise to find out that much of DU’s teachers and related staff tops the league of protestors.

Meanwhile the court, continue to ask why the university seems in haste for their new experiment. The supporters on the other hand, states that the decision was well considered through regular meetings of student congress and teachers where the plans were as efficiently discussed as it happened with the Indian constitution. According to a source, the plan came to being, only after a document was signed by a body of students to motivate the approval of four year plan.

Apart from FYUP, this year also saw cancellation of the two year old CATE exam (entrance test for BA Eng (Hons.). While newspapers show that students are much relieved in this change, the other side is but yet to be revealed. Entrance exams suffice the education business in their own way. And when, one is cancelled at such a short and unclear notice, there is a possibility of the situation to turn into bewildering crisis. It is not a new idea for coaching centers to earn money by guarantying the admission, offering highly paid tutors but of course at handsome amounts. After CATE being cancelled, the money stands in loop holes. But let us not forget, while it might be extravagance for some, but for others, it is much like a sentimental duty of parents who invest the hard work of their lives for the better future of their children.

Therefore, on a personal note, I believe the university must not keep its decisions in secrecy and it shall give a chance to its audience to digest such changes.

Lastly, a top newspaper also claims that DU doesn’t even have records for outside-state students and Hindi professors. Therefore in the OMR forms, you have to mention your original state. And what that is left of Hindi professors, no other news regarding it has been recorded. Perhaps there are much more that circulate being undistinguished from other rumors.

So you agree or not, embrace yourselves for the FYUP. Thus Let us wait, if the experiment unravels a success story or if it continues to harass confusion and complex. Only time can tell.

Or are you just shopping for the first impression at college? But it isn’t a Sharukh Khan’s Mai Hoon it?

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Students at large contributing major share in mobile phones usage and usage of its services etc. and we agree with it as the economic data represent that too.
So there are many questions arises out of this statement:

Are Students Deviating from Proper English ?

Is SMS language destroying English Language ?

Is the switch in language difficult ?

SMS language not Standardized ?

We welcome you for more questions like this, as there is a debate going on this topic on NDTV Cell Guru.

Debate Panel includes:
Ms. Abha ( English Teacher -DPS {RK Puram, Delhi} )
Dr. Swati Kashyap (HOD – Behavioral & Medicine at Fortis )
Ms. Ishika
Mr. Rajiv Makhani (Editor – NDTV)
Students from various schools of India

They help is giving a warm debating environment on SMS Language,Texting, New Slangs, New Abbreviations etc. So have a look at the debate session and post your comments too.

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Nearly 4,000 students staying in the Panjab University (PU) hostels can now play a vital role in the decision-making process regarding their accommodation, food and security, among other things.

Panjab University Campus students Council (PUCSC) has introduced a unique concept of feedback forms that have been distributed among all hostel inmates.

“Through these forms,  can evaluate their hostel on different parameters and can judge the performance of their wardens. They can also bring to the notice any anomaly they found and can suggest changes that they want in the administration,” a member of PUCSC told sources.

“After going through these forms, we will submit them to the hostel wardens and top officials of the PU. This exercise will make the hostel warden more answerable and they have to submit their response to the VC (vice-chancellor) and DSW (dean students’ welfare),” he added.

There are 14 hostels in the PU campus (seven each for boys and girls) and each hostel can accommodate nearly 300 students.

Inmates of PU hostels are quite upbeat about this move and expect things to become more transparent and streamlined after this.

“We appreciate this step and welcome it with open hands. Till now only three-four students, who most of the times work under the pressure of hostel wardens, were involved while making crucial decisions regarding hostel. But now it seems that we are following the right path,” Mani Atwal, a student and a hostel inmate at PU, told sources.

Harmanjit Singh Deol, a research scholar, who is staying in a PU hostel for the last seven years, said: “We can compare it with Right to Information Act. These feedback forms certainly intend to bring positive change in the system.”


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